Saturday, February 12, 2011

silence makes the heart grow fonder...

So on Wednesday I was put on vocal rest by my doctor and vocal coach. Initially I figured, oh this won't be too bad...Well, I was so incredibly wrong. This is my fourth day in a row of complete silence, no singing or talking, and it is such a challenge! Being on vocal rest has made me realize two things: 1- I LOVE TALKING and 2- it's made me realize how much we talk everyday! Whether it's in my lectures or just responding to a "How are you?", we as humans talk a lot. Although I've been doing a really good job and frankly, am really proud of myself for not talking, it hasn't been easy. Thank god I have such supportive roommates -- well ok, they think it's kind of funny; for instance Carly the other day said, "Oh my god this is so fun, it's like charades!" I suppose that's the silver lining of it all -- instead of mope, make it a game!

This weekend I have so much work to do. I have a paper to write, a music history test to study for, 4 songs to memorize, an ear training test to practice for, but in all of the hecticness...I really just want my grandpa's big breakfast. He used to make this amazing feast with all the works: eggs, sausage, bacon, toast, biscuits and gravy, you name it! What I would give for his breakfast. What I would give for him to be here... But, he is here. I have to believe that.


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